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Would you like to quantify flow properties of the powder?
Left photos are same chemical material.
It is required for following purposes.
- Building relationship with costomers
- Quality control of the powder
- Numerical evaluation for scientific paper
These opinions or requests frequently come from customers.
- We always suply products to customers in the same way, however some customers complain that how powders are packed is not always the same.
- It is unsure how to quantify flow properties of dry materials.
- We have figured out the symple way to quantify flow properties, but customers does not accept it.
- Measured values are unstable.
- We want to discuss flow properties of dry materials on our scientific paper, but values are different depending on how they are measured.

What is introduced to solve those kinds of problems all over the world?
Powder Tester is one of the best solutions.
- Evaluating flowability and floodability index introduced by Mr. Carr. ( Acquired a lisence to invent the equipment based on Carr index)
- Global de facto standard device that is used by more than 4000 units worldwide.
- Easy operation by touch screen and GUI.
- 9th generation since it was developed, and the accuracy has become higher and higher.
- Including statistical analysis software capable of examining whether or not there is a significant difference even if unstable materials are measured.

How does PT-X gain the numerical evaluation for flowability and floodability?
Overall measured values from many kinds of properties.
After PT-X measures flow properties below, the results are quantified by Carr index that introduced all over the world. The total value of them is considered as flowability and floodability index.
- bulk density(aerated and packed bulk density)
- angle of repose
- angle of fall
- angle of difference
- angle of spatula
- unifomity coefficient (for free flow powder) or cohesion
- dipersibility

Why should we adopt such a complex measuring procedure?
The simple way leads unstable results depending on the way to measure and operators. It cannot be used as a standard values.
Hausner ratios based on angle of repose and bulk density are sometimes used as a simple method. However, the way itself to mesure each property has problems.
It is easy to think that
- Angle of repose : dropping the powder from the top and measuring the angle with
a protractor
- Bulk density : Just putting the certain volume in a container and measuring the weight
-> having risks for making differences in values depending on measurement way or operators
->Just the Angle of repose and the Haunser ratio is not enough for evaluating flow properties (It is introduced in a paper "The reason for choosing Powder Tester".)
We found out that the results based on Carr-measurement methods highly meets the way how material flows from a hopper in 1968. As a result, We have confirmed that this method is useful, such as being able to determine in advance measures to prevent arching of powder in a hopper.
(Japanese document, Tohei Yokoyama and Kiyoshi Urayama, pp.264-272 (1968))
Technical capabilities to achieve high reproducibility
Our advanced technology enable to reduce errors in the measurement of unstable powders.
Powder have caractaristics of
・ Having different properties depending on measurement point
- Easily being affected by surrounded environment because of its large specific surface area
- Non-uniformity in particle shapes
-> leading to large variation in measurement values
However, variations can be reduced by improving parts positions and reproducibility of flow.
Quantitative evaluation of variations in measured values
Including statistical analysis software
It is often difficult to tell if there are any differences between the samples when there are some variations in measured values. Therefore, the latest powder tester is equipped with a statistical analysis software as a standard developed by our company.

- Leading global company in Powder Technology
We have been providing products, systems, and engineering supported by about 100 years of experience and know-how in powder technology since our company was founded in 1916.
We have group companies in Europe and the United States, and we also have sales companies in Asian countries.